Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was Tomoe’s second birthday.  She had a strawberry and blueberry tart for a birthday cake, and she loved it.

Photo was created by my wife.

Photo was created by my wife.

Now that she’s 2 years old, she’s entering the terrible twos.  She says “no” a lot.  She fights against going to bed a lot lately, too.  Communication is getting better.  She can ask for things by saying the word or pointing at it.  She speaks mostly Japanese and gibberish with some English words, but she understand English directions pretty well.

I’m making a bit of an announcement with this post, too.  This is the last post I will write about Tomoe.  At this age, she is an increasingly individual person, and deserves her privacy.  I’d like to thank all of you who have followed her from being a tiny bean to a 2 year old toddler.  However, that doesn’t mean this blog is finished.  While it’ll be going into a kind of hibernation, I’ll keep it online, and occasionally write posts about raising children in Japan.  But nothing specific about Tomoe.  If we have a second child here in Japan, this blog will be resurrected.  But since we plan to move to Canada by the end of 2016, we may have our second kid in Canada.  But we’ll see about the future of this blog.


2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,600 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Although I haven’t been very active in the last few months since deciding to make my daughter’s life more private as she approaches 2 years old, I’m still around.  But enjoy this report!

Difficult Decision

As Tomoe gets older, I have to respect her privacy.  She’s more of an individual all the time, so I think it’s unfair that I blog about what she does all the time. I won’t be blogging about her so much anymore soon, so I’ll be changing my focus on this blog.  I’ll be talking more about parenting in Japan.  Yes, I’ll be updating on Tomoe from time to time, but not so much now.  However, if and when we have a second child, I will start up the baby blogging again.

Any questions?

2012 Year in Review

What a year it’s been.  11 months ago, Tomoe was born.  Now she’s walking.  How time flies.

So, this post is all about how the blog did this year.  Who wants to see what was popular this year?  Well, here are the top 10 most popular posts this year:

  1. Tomoe, born January 25th – Of course, this was the most popular.
  2. Tomoe, 1 day old – She was popular in the beginning!
  3. Take a guess! – Before she was born, I asked you to guess about her weight and birth time.
  4. Tomoe’s day with a friend – A more recent day, only a month ago.
  5. The quest for the perfect diaper – This was a difficult decision!
  6. Week 35 – Still pregnant. This was posted on New Year’s Day.
  7. How do I feel about fatherhood? – I made this post shortly before Tomoe’s birth.
  8. The past 8 weeks in ultrasound – This is from early in the pregnancy. People are interested in ultrasound pictures.
  9. Moody baby discovers her hands! – A milestone.
  10. A new car for her 2 month birthday! – She got a baby carriage!

So, those were the most popular posts in the past year.  Not all of them were from this year, though.

In this year, Tomoe went from this:

Less than 10 minutes after she was born.

To this:


Amazing year!  We’ve seen her lift her head for the first time, learn to smile and laugh, roll over, sit up on her own, start crawling, stand up with support, eat solid food, drink from a straw, react to her name, stand up on her own, get her first teeth, hi-5, raise her hand when her name is called, and more.  What will she learn next?  Oh yeah, she learned to wave tonight!

I hope 2013 is even more exciting!

Family plans for the holidays

Now that I’m on holiday, I have plenty of time to do many things that I enjoy.  Blogging is one thing, playing Sims 2 is another, as well as reading books.  But I’ll have plenty of time with my family and some bonding time with Tomoe.

The next couple of days are going to be rainy, but I’ll play with Tomoe and get her to walk as much as I can.  When it’s sunny, I’ll be taking her to the park to play, as well as practice walking.  She’s doing great with that.

But the big thing is January 1st.  We’ll be going to Saitama for Oshogatsu, which is New Year’s in Japanese.  We’ll spend the day at my in-laws’ home, probably eating sushi and drinking sake, as well as a possibility of going bowling.  But I think the big thing is for Tomoe to see everyone, and for everyone to see how she’s grown.  She’ll have a lot of people taking care of her.  It’ll be a fun day for her, I think.

After the New Year, we’ll be going to Zeniarai Benten in Kamakura.  It’s a famous shrine where you can wash your money to wish for good fortune in terms of finances.  It’s a fascinating place.

As far as the blog goes, I’ll be doing a year in review post before New Year’s Day.  Also, I received an award nomination, which I’ll have to considering making a post about.

What are your plans for the New Year?

Weekly baby development updates

Starting this week, I’m going to be making weekly updates on how the baby should be developing.  I’ll be using information from BabyCenter to help.  It’s often hard to imagine what’s going on in the baby’s life right now, but this website really does help give a picture.  My previous post already talks about week 15, so you can check that out.  I will try updating on Tuesdays each week with the new information.

Welcome to the new blog!

First of all, I’d like to welcome my friends, family and regular readers of my Japan blog to this blog.  I’ve started this blog to talk about my adventures in becoming a father and what it’s like to raise kids in Japan.  This blog will not affect my Japan blog, which I will continue to update regularly.

Here’s the story up until now.  My fiancee and I are expecting a baby in January 2012.  The baby is currently at week 12, nearing the end of the first trimester.  We first figured that we were going to have a baby when the morning sickness and missed period happened, so we got a pregnancy test.  It tested positive.  Of course, we’re supposed to test again a week later, so we did.  Positive again.  This meant it was time for a visit to the women’s clinic!  So, while I was working, my fiancee went to a clinic and found out what we had already figured out, she’s pregnant.  The baby was at 6 weeks 5 days at the time, and very tiny.  Our lives changed instantly.  We’re going to be parents!

Over the weeks, we had regular visits at the clinic, getting updates about the baby’s progress.  At 8 weeks, 5 days, the baby had the shape of a human.  We also had a heartbeat!  At 10 weeks, 5 days, it was looking so much more like a baby.  It was so real.  We then changed clinics, where they revised the age to 11 weeks, 1 day.  We had more pictures, including a 4D picture which looked more like a computer generated blob.  The big news from the doctor was that this baby is powerful.  Very strong, very active and always moving.  It’s also a bit big, so we may have a big baby.  This visit was just over a week ago.  We’re now in week 12, and our next visit to the clinic is August 11th.

How’s my fiancee doing?  Well, Aki is suffering from morning sickness every day.  The usual pregnancy symptoms are there, feeling sleepy, sick, sometimes hurting, not a big appetite, craving sour food and drinks.  After week 13, the morning sickness is supposed to start going away, and the baby bump is supposed to start appearing.  This means no more sleeping or lying down on her stomach.  Her appetite should return, too.

We won’t know the gender of the baby won’t be known for a while, although I’ve read it can be found out by the 4th month, though most likely around 5th or 6th month.  We’ll take either a boy or a girl happily.  Actually, we want one of each (just not both with this one pregnancy!). We even have a girl’s name picked out, but no boy’s name yet.  We have time to think about it.

Thanks for coming here, and I know this blog doesn’t have much yet, and there’s still a lot of tweaking to do, but I hope you enjoy it.